Monday, February 22, 2010

Shutter Island - Is He Crazy?

Ok, so here comes the first BigK Movie Review. Get ready.

This weekend I took my gurlfrand to see Shutter Island. We were in a little bit of a fight when we went in there, (naaaahhht my fault, I swear) and weren't really speaking when the movie started. By time time it was over, we had forgotten about the fight, but I was left just as speechless by the ending as I was when I went in there. Shutter Island BLEW MY MIND.

*Spoiler Alert* (I recommend seeing the movie before you read this)

Basically, here's what went down. A US Marshall played by Leo (otherwise known as Jack Dawson) and his partner go to investigate the disappearance of a patient at a mental hospital on an isolated island. As the plot unfolds, Leo uncovers more and more about the hospital, and begins to develop the theory that the doctors are performing mind control experiments on the patients similar to those performed by the Nazis in WWII concentration camps (the movie takes place in 1954, after all.) Yada Yada Yada, stuff happens, and at the end the head psychiatrist tells Leo that he's crazy, and that the former US Marshall won't admit to killing his wife (she drowned their kids, don't worry she totally deserved it) and therefore thinks that Shutter Island is his home. The head psychiatrist tells Leo that he is allowing him to roll play out this crazy scenario in hopes that he will admit what he did and be cured.

Needless to say, the movie was unreal. The whole time you think he really is a Marshall, and then you learn he may not be. The real genius of the movie lies in the ambiguity of the ending. There is no definitive answer, and three days later, I'm still racking my brain for an answer. I'm definitely going back to see it again knowing what I do now so that I can search for clues as the movie progresses.

Smart move by the movie producers. They know they're coaxing suckers like me into watching the movie over and over and over again. They're gonna make bank.

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